Monthly Archives: March 2017

The NHS needs your support

In America the biggest crime  is not larceny but to be poor. In the UK you hear loose talk from the right wing press about having an American style health service. What these people neglect to understand, is that if you have no medical insurance you are consigned to the human scrap heap. They ignore […]

Peter Bazelgette on empathy and the arts

In the Observer (22nd January 2017  Peter Bazalgett’s  wrote an article “The power of culture – what I learned after four years at the helm of our arts”, this was a plug for his book “The Empathy Instinct”. You can read reviews of the book elsewhere. However for all his talk of “empathy” and the […]

Letter to America

A friend of mine wrote to Barrack Obama to congratulate him on his tenure as President of the USA.  The letter is a superb, succinct summary of Barrack Obama’s achievements. I have redacted the name and address. President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC. USA January 6 2017 Dear President […]