The NHS needs your support

In America the biggest crime  is not larceny but to be poor. In the UK you hear loose talk from the right wing press about having an American style health service. What these people neglect to understand, is that if you have no medical insurance you are consigned to the human scrap heap. They ignore the blindingly obvious that if you want a productive nation you need  healthy citizens. I had a problem with my eyes and spent three days as an out patient at Guys and St Thomas’. I was impressed and I wrote the chief executive. My letter is published below and if you value the nations health then it is crucially important you defend the NHS.

“Dear Ms Pritchard

Forgive me for writing to you. I have spent three days as an outpatient  at Guys and St Thomas’. For the record I would like to thank and congratulate all the staff for sorting out my eye problem and resolving my fears.The Medical Eye Unit was led by Professor Stanford and the doctor who saw me first and expedited matters was Dr Miles Parnell. All staff were courteous, professional, helpful and put a great number of private sector companies to shame. The culture of the organisation is something that would make boards of directors in the commercial sector weep tears of envy.

The throughput of patients must be staggering and if you were in manufacturing you would have won a Queen’s Award for Industry.

I was impressed. The press – I use the word in its loosest sense – such as the Daily Mail, give the NHS a hard time which I find to be irritating and completely at variance with the facts. After my recent experience I will find their cant ,humbug, smugness and twaddle more than irritating but profoundly vexatious.

If you ever need a testament to the excellence of the hospital’s service or help in any campaign you may have to run, please count on my support.

Kindest regards”

Attached documents (click to download)

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