There was a leader article in the Guardian on the 8th March 2018, “Equality for female and male composers promotes quality in the arts”.
Whilst gratifying to read it was regrettable that the article was only concerned with classical music; the problem is a lot deeper than public performance. For example the Huddersfield Contempary Music Festival has seven trustees of whom only two are women. In terms of jazz, an analysis of the teaching staff in January 2018 of the jazz departments at the 4 English Conservatoires produced a total of 133 tutors of whom 122 were male and 11 were female – only 8.2% of teaching staff were female. The Scott Trust that funds the Guardian, has eleven trustees of whom four are women. The Performing Rights Society Foundation has eleven trustees of whom only three are women. There needs to be a reformation in the sclerotic culture that still in this day and age ignores the fact fifty percent of the population in the UK are women.